Film and TV

‘Escape the Undertaker’ looks so crazy it’s bound for success

Escape the Undertaker, starring the WWE’S Undertaker, is an upcoming interactive film experience from Netflix. And it looks so goddamn crazy that it might just be the masterpiece you’ve been waiting for.

Do you like B-grade horror films that are so bad they leave you in stitches? If so, then I think I might have just the thing to make your day. Escape the Undertaker is Netflix’s latest attempt at interactive filmmaking, and if the trailer is anything to go by, you won’t want to miss it.

Starring the WWE’s very own master of the dark arts, The Undertaker, it aims to provide a cross between a film and a video game. Essentially, it’s a film where they captured all the dumb shit a group of friends might do if they decided to go exploring in The Undertaker’s museum of nasty – and then asked you which things to do.

escape the undertaker
Image: Escape the Undertaker / Netflix

The trailer suggests this group of friends, whom you are very much a part of, are looking to obtain an evil magical urn and combine it with the power of positivity. Which sounds about as ridiculous as anything else the WWE creative department have dreamt up over the course of its existence.

Anyways, it’s the plot device that was necessary to get this glorious train wreck out off the development room and into our cosy homes. So I for one am grateful.

Earlier this year I wasn’t too excited to hear that Netflix was entering into the video game market, but after seeing Escape the Undertaker my faith in the streaming behemoth has been resurrected. Projects like this show me that Netflix aren’t taking themselves (or me) too seriously and are all about bringing the good times.

And while Netflix’s Black Mirror: Bandersnatch left me somewhat underwhelmed, I think that B-grade (F-grade?) horror is a better match for this medium than brainy sci-fi.

Escape the Undertaker comes to Netflix October 5.