Busted. Sporting a setup to make home studio owners envious, a truck driver in the States has been caught driving over the limit whilst using his DAW, on the highway. This guy has taken mobile music-making to a whole new level.
This kind of work is generally best suited to a motionless environment, so stick to the studio! It’s done its job well so far.

We all know the feeling of reaching that mix deadline… A trucker has been busted by the cops using his DAW behind the wheel.
A truck driver from Washington in the United States has been caught producing music whilst driving on the highway. Safe to say he was nearing the deadline.
The man was stopped by Washington State Patrol, speeding over the limit with a makeshift studio in his semi. The image reveals a desktop computer, keyboard, mouse and a set of headphones.
He was also found in possession of drugs. Yep, word has it that he also had a drop-down mic hanging from the cab of the truck, but that’s not the kind of gear we’re actually referring to. Maybe not the best way to cross-check your mix.
Although we don’t condone or encourage this dangerous behaviour in any way shape or form, if anyone has a link to his Soundcloud please send it through immediately. Out of curiosity.