
Happy’s Zen Horoscope (23rd January – 29th January): Align with your long-term goals

This timeframe encourages revisions and second chances.

Mercury retrograde enters Capricorn on the 25th, so expect any old issues to make a comeback, especially when it comes to the pursuit of goals and long-term plans.


Take a romantic approach to life, if it moves your heartstrings, move to it. Especially for any new ideas or projects that come to you mid-week. For anything more long-term in the works that don’t seem to be getting anywhere, give them a second chance and revise here or there until you are once again clear with the direction. Advice for the week, go with your heart.


Sometimes when we get wrapped up in relationships or give too much of ourselves to the people in our lives, we can forget to take care of ourselves. This week, rebalance things accordingly, especially if you’ve been in giving mode for too long. Give back to yourself for a change, focus on what fulfils you. Move towards developing your own sense of inner richness and maturity by creating space in all of your connections. 


Sometimes the greatest adventure can come via creative expression, especially if you don’t have a usual leaning towards it. Use this week to explore a side of yourself that doesn’t often come to the foreground, anything artistic will do. Start a class, or read the kinds of books that inspire self-expression in all its forms. Allow yourself to dream. And don’t be surprised if you find that the simple things in life take you by surprise and capture your heart.  


A meditative approach will come in handy this week, especially if you find a bit of monotony sets in.  Chances are you are paving the way for newness but before you can get to that, there is still work to be done. Be methodical in your approach, go with the flow, and stick to the plans that you already have in place. You will know when the time is right for a change.  


An opportunity is around this week, and you will find that the determining factor in the outcome lies solely in your hands. Will you give it the chance to blossom and flourish or will you succumb to any potential challenges and let it wither? You hold all the power, so think about what you would like the outcome to be, and start out with the right kind of intent that will ensure success. 


Take a strategic approach to the week ahead. Only because you really can’t do everything at once, and nor should you. Prioritise what is important, and focus your attention on the tasks or projects that would benefit from the most attention. Say no to things that may hold your projects back, and say yes to anything that can expedite the process.  Don’t be afraid to go back to the drawing board to implement a new plan if it means getting it over the line.


If you find that you are experiencing some creative restlessness, take it as a sign that you just need to ground your plans in reality, and really set things in concrete. Don’t give up, give the old projects that you thought you’d left behind another chance as it may not be as done and dusted as you previously thought.  There is still more to be done. Restrategise. Map out a plan so that you can once again align with your long-term goals. 


A great week to offer up some of your time and energy and support to those in need. Giving of yourself in this way is just as valuable if not more, than giving away money or gifts. If you find yourself questioning whether you have the time or the money to give, instead of asking yourself, just do it, give of yourself, whatever you can, knowing that it will be appreciated. The universe has a way of giving back to you threefold what you give to others if it’s done in the name of love and compassion. 


If you are experiencing any mental blocks, negative self-talk, or uncertainty in relation to the patterns that keep reemerging every now and then, just to keep you on your toes, and to show you that there are still things to work on and understand. Instead of making any fast decisions, go out of your way to slow down, and feel your way into situations, rather than overthinking your way into them. Your dreams and your intuition can guide the way forward towards a higher level of consciousness, but only if you let them. 


Connect to your intuition to guide you through anything that feels off this week, especially when it comes to any creative projects that you have yet to get off the ground. Chances are, there are still some important decisions to make that may potentially have long-term effects, not only for you but for the people in your life. Choose consciously by connecting with your intuition, and settling on the path that serves the greater good of all concerned. That way you can stand strong with integrity and strength. And when you feel good and clear, then you can continue with your project in the right headspace. 


When we focus too much on externals, too much on wanting this or not wanting that, you can lose sight of what’s really important, and Sagittarius you are being called on to drop your opinions and move inside. You know that you are destined for so much more, and when you hold on too tightly to your judgments they only serve to hold you back. So step aside, and let go of your old self, so that you can step into being the new version of yourself that you know you want to be. 


If a green light is what you are after, this is it. There will always be people that may not be happy with your choices. There may always be challenges, but remember, setbacks or challenges don’t mean that you are on the wrong path, they are the path. So move forward and get the wheels in motion, because you have a calling, and it’s your responsibility to follow it. Follow your passions, follow your energy, it’s all you need at this time.