
Trump to sue Facebook, Twitter and Google over “illegal” censorship

Donald Trump has filed a suit against Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, claiming wrongful censorship of himself and fellow conservatives.

Following the chaos that unfolded during the January 6 storm of Capitol City, leaving five dead and 140 injured, Trump was banned from social media for inciting violence.

The former President has recently demanded the reinstatement of his accounts, claiming his ban is an “illegal, shameful censorship of the American people“.

Image: Foreign Policy

According to law professor, Eric Goldman, Trump’s lawsuit is likely to fail, based on previous studies involving 60 similar cases: “They’ve argued everything under the sun, including First Amendment, and they get nowhere”.

Regarding whether Trump’s power and position could grant him any special privileges, Goldman stated: “I doubt it.

Donald Trump
Image: BBC News

Trump’s case, built on the premise that his silencing is “illegal” under the First Amendment Act, is invalid. But not just because Trump is constantly Twitter flashing a fascist agenda.

As Facebook, Twitter and Google are private-sector corporations, the act does not apply to the way they regulate censorship or speech.

Additionally, these social media platforms have the right to determine the kind of content published on their sites, including the right to exclude speakers who incite acts of hatred or violence.

*Cough cough*

Trump, we’re looking at you and that whole storming of the Capitol incident.

It is assumed that Trump and his legal team already know their case will not hold up in court, and that this is all an effort to gain attention.

In mid-June, Trump launched his own social media site called GETTR, which has been downloaded more than one thousand times on Google and Apple stores.

GETTR is passionate about “fighting cancel culture, promoting common sense, defending free speech, challenging social media monopolies, and creating a true marketplace of ideas.

Donald Trump
Image: Boston Globe

The site is off to a bad start, having already been hacked multiple times with hackers claiming that it was “easy“. They sassily advised GETTR to make sure its site was secure before publishing.

You’ll have to save this exquisite victory dance for another time Trump.