Interviews Jack Ladder discusses The Dreamlanders, Ninja Turtles and taking criticism by Shayen de Silva With his imposing figure and slick baritone voice Jack Ladder can be an intimidating person in the flesh, but the man behind the curtain, Tim Rogers, is just an ordinary…
Lists 7 music videos that don’t star the band and KILL IT! by Greta Balog A lot of great music videos that seem to exist in the ether of the internet feature the artists themselves at some point in the clip – take for example Courtney Barnett’s…
Lists Happy’s Top 50 Songs of 2014 by Shayen de Silva Phewww! 2014, what a year you’ve been! We laughed. We cried, and some more than others. But mostly, we just listened to a hell of a lot of music. Seriously,…
Lists Jack Colwell's Good Song List Of 2014 by Shayen de Silva Over the last week, including today, you would have noticed that Happy has been featuring the top ten picks by musicians as they reflect on the year that was 2014….
Lists Jack Colwell’s Good Song List Of 2014 by Shayen de Silva Over the last week, including today, you would have noticed that Happy has been featuring the top ten picks by musicians as they reflect on the year that was 2014….
Lists Dave Rennick Picks the 10 Best Songs of 2014 by Shayen de Silva Old mate Dave Rennick has been plenty busy this year. With the formation of his solo project And, then turning that project into a new band, then wisely changing that…