Features Lists Music The 25 best psychedelic rock albums of the 2010s by Luke Saunders We reflect on a mammoth decade of psychedelic rock and whittle it down to the gems. Here are the albums that dared to innovate, re-create and redefine the genre. We…
News Julia Jacklin, Aldous Harding and more join A Festival called PANAMA by Luke Saunders Today, Tasmania’s A Festival Called PANAMA has announced the lineup for its seventh annual event. The eclectic lineup strengthens the reputation that A Festival Called PANAMA has created, presenting an enigmatic…
Features Most psychedelic sensory overload music videos on Youtube by Luke Saunders Since the cataclysmic, interstellar collision of music and videos, people everywhere have been treated to the unparalleled experience of audio visual perfection. This explosion of multiple forms of artistry interacting,…
Interviews Kikagaku Moyo chat their new album and creating opportunities for underground Asian bands by Bill Robinson Floating through the free-flowing psychedelia of Kikagaku Moyo is an experience like no other. The band weave together boundless soundscapes of crunching guitar riffs, dreamy sitar lines, and addictive vocal…
Music LISTEN: Kikagaku Moyo – Gatherings by Happy Japanese psych rock purveyors Kikagaku Moyo have released Gatherings, the first track from their newly announced fourth album Masana Temples. Listen below. Masana Temples by Kikagaku Moyo/幾何学模様
Live Lords of Polygondwanaland: Gizzfest reigns supreme in Sydney once again by Dani Hansen Tripping all over Oz, Gizzfest returned for its third year running and furthered King Gizzard’s reign as the psych-garage overlords of Polygondwanaland and beyond. Gizzfest: the annual thrash jamboree we…
Lists Space out to a 20-song selection from psych-rock troubadours Cosmic Flanders by Happy Soon enough we’ll be dropping Issue 5 of Happy Mag, and we’re having a party to celebrate. Having asked six of our fave Sydney bands to join us on the 29th…