Interviews Papaya Tree chat road tripping, Nannup, and why they’ll never be a boring band by Happy It’s hard not to like Papaya Tree. Both on stage and off, a big smile on your face is the band’s number one priority. Of course, it helps that their…
Music LISTEN: Papaya Tree – Radar by Happy Drink in a concoction of funk, soul and big band bravado on Radar, the sophomore single from Sydney sextet Papaya Tree. See them launch the track live at The Lansdowne on…
Lists Feeling flat? Kick off the weekend with Papaya Tree’s 7 favourite pre-gig jams by Happy Sydney jazz fusion junkies Papaya Tree dropped their long-awaited debut single Bamboo Schooner last week and oh boy, it was worth the wait. Tonight, they’re set to launch said single at the World…
News PREMIERE: My oh my, the debut clip from Papaya Tree was well worth the wait by Freya McGahey They’ve described themselves as a mix of rock, reggae and roots, but Papaya Tree should really just be defined as a whole lot of fun. With pounding drums and a…
Music Smoother than the skin of their namesake fruit, Papaya Tree deliver on their debut tune Disorderly by Agnes O'Dwyer If this weather is well and truly cooking you and you’re finding it hard to move from your couch, we’ve got the perfect blues and roots tunes to ride that chill…