Clocked News Pop Culture Power Rangers Project Nomad: the dark, open world video game that almost happened by Alastair Cairns The Power Rangers ‘Project Nomad’ video game is a typical case of one that got away. Previous franchise head Jason Bischoff has shared some intriguing details. The Power Rangers hold…
Music WATCH: The Chemical Brothers – Eve of Destruction by Sarah Gillard The Chemical Brothers have released a quirky Japanese-inspired video to complement Eve of Destruction, the opening track off their latest album No Geography. The video features Power Rangers style fight scenes between elaborately dressed…
News Ivan Ooze premieres his new mixtape The Social Alien by Nick Stillman With a name as kickass as Ivan Ooze (yes, as in the Power Rangers villain), you’ve got to expect some seriously good shit from the Melbourne MC. Thankfully we have…
Music Ivan Ooze plays the hero for DIY hip-hop by Holly Keys There seems to be a bit of an Aussie hip-hop renaissance happening at the moment in which young kids, skirting the traditional system are chucking their creative output online. The DIY element…