
Allday interview Happy Mag

In the lead up to his forthcoming album ‘The Necklace’, Allday drops by Happy to chat rapping, making music videos, and puppies as the ultimate romantic gesture. 

It was some sage advice from producer Simon Lam that helped inspire the direction of Allday’s upcoming album. “‘You’re supposed to be this rapper but you’re always diverting away from rap,’” Allday recalled of his interaction with Lam.

“‘Why don’t you just do some rap?’” And so came ‘The Necklace’, Allday’s upcoming fifth album which will see him return to his roots as a wordsmith. 

Speaking with Happy, Allday said the impetus to return to rap was “a hallelujah moment,” and we’ve already been treated to these effortless bars with recent singles ‘Drip Drop’ and ‘Access’.

The latter track, which coasts on a backdrop of immersive beats and melodies, sees the musician reflect on a “relationship that you put hopes into, but it doesn’t work out that way.” 

‘Access’ forms part of the broader ‘The Necklace’ tracklist, which traces Allday’s self-realisations, growth and self-work and is set for release on August 2.

In anticipation of the album — a follow-up to 2019’s ‘Drinking with My Smoking Friends’ — Allday swung by to discuss the songwriting, rapping on NYC subways, and gifting his first girlfriend a puppy, only to break up shortly after. 

Stay connected with Allday via Instagram

Cheers to tixel for making this interview possible.