Music Sydney’s Hannahband make dirty punk rock with real talk emotions by Elizabeth Browne [bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=2083310670 size=small bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 track=2795671909] Sydney duo Hannahband are a self-proclaimed ‘Emo Punx / Dad Rock’ band made up of Nathan Martin and Marnie Vaughn. Their debut album…
Features King Gizzard’s Guide to Sydney Gizzfest by Elizabeth Browne Remember the time you wished that your favourite band would get together with a bunch of all your other favourite bands in the form of a seven hour show? Well,…
Music Claire And The Cops make some pretty tight garage slop by Elizabeth Browne Picture yourself in a hidden alleyway bar, or perhaps even the lounge room of a house party some kid in your grade who you barely know is hosting while their…