Drugs Lists News The most drug-fuelled albums of all time by David Burley Music and narcotics have a long, complex history, but some of the greatest albums of all time were also the most drug-fuelled. Happy Mag Issue 10, The Drug Issue, is…
Drugs News Largest-ever trial of psilocybin for depression yields “groundbreaking” results by Matthew Leong The largest-ever trial on the effects of psilocybin (found in magic mushrooms) on depression has yielded very “promising” results. The pharmaceutical company behind the psilocybin/magic mushrooms study, London-based Compass Pathways,…
News Hydroxychloroquine: the conspiracy theorists’ answer to coronavirus, explained by Jenae Madden Over in the conspiracy alcove of the internet, there is talk that medical experts have in fact found the cure for the ongoing and devastating coronavirus pandemic. The solution? Apparently,…
News NSW festivals may be introducing pill testing and scrapping sniffer dogs by Luke Saunders It seems like New South Wales has been experiencing a never-ending debate surrounding the world of festival safety, with drug use being the hottest of topics. Now, the state government…
News MDMA and cannabis recommended for over-the-counter sale in Australian pharmacies by Rianna Manuel As the discussion around pill testing at Australian festivals rages on, Dr Alex Wodak, head of the Australian Drug Law Reform Foundation, has called for the legal, over-the-counter distribution of…