Nature News Science Weird Feast your eyes on these peculiar fish discovered off the coast of Australia by Tom Disalvo Fish with stilts, fangs and glow-in-the-dark flesh have been discovered some five kilometres below the ocean’s surface. Scientists have discovered an array of peculiar-looking fish species off the coast of…
Nature News NSFW Biologist snaps photos of a “penis fish” while diving off the Aussie coast by Mike Hitch Yeah, okay. An Australian biologist has enlightened the world to the “penis fish”: a phallic reminder that the ocean is a dark, wonderful place. Scientifically known as Urechis Caupo, or the…
News Sunfish larva are the cutest thing you’ll see all day, probably by Manning Patston It brings me great honour to lighten your day with the newest discovery from the deep: sunfish larva. Whilst adult sunfish are one of the heaviest known fish in the…
News 80 of Pablo Escobar’s hippos are currently tearing apart Columbia by Mia Montesin Pablo Escobar’s escaped hippos have become a threat to a town in Colombia and are damaging ecosystems with their powerful poos. Hippopotamuses can be territorial and aggressive, so local residents…
News Watch this cute electric eel power his aquarium’s Christmas lights by Luke Saunders While you might think nobody can top your Christmas decorating skills, we are pretty sure that this American aquarium just has. The Tennessee Aquarium has gotten festive by installing a…