News Turns out Quentin Tarantino has been quietly writing movie reviews online by Mia Montesin On the New Beverly Cinema website, Quentin Tarantino unloads his expansive knowledge of cinema amongst some wonderfully brazen opinions disguised as reviews. Since Quentin Tarantino took a step back from…
Arts Interviews 5 ink drawing tips from tattoo artist Georgia Porkchop by Mia Montesin If Georgia Porkchop had an a capella group, she’d call it Aural Administration. Not that she does. Her favourite thing to put on toast is salty butter and honey, and…
News Irish people are returning a 170-year-old favour by helping struggling Native Americans by Mia Montesin During the potato famine over 170 years ago, members of the Choctaw Nation sent $170 to hungry families in Ireland. Centuries later, Irish people are repaying their kindness with a…
News Scientists discover that koalas lick tree trunks when thirsty and it’s incredibly cute by Mia Montesin Unusual observations over a 13-year period indicate that koalas hydrate by licking tree trunks, instead of simply chomping eucalyptus leaves. The study suggests they “may have stronger reliance on free…
Arts News A quarter of Australian arts workers have lost their jobs, study finds by Mia Montesin New research shows that one in four workers in the arts, hospitality, and recreation sectors have lost jobs due to COVID-19. The results, published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics…
Film and TV News Someone has uploaded hundreds of hours of ‘80s MTV programs online by Mia Montesin Live recordings of the MTV early years are free to watch, thanks to an Internet Archive collection called ’80s MTV VHS Recordings 1981 to 1989. Music video buffs can relive the…
News Incredible bioluminescent waves are lighting up Californian beaches by Mia Montesin Daring ocean lovers in southern California are enjoying an alluring bright-blue spectacle, with bioluminescent waves lighting up beaches along the coastline. Dale Huntington, a pastor at a San Diego church,…
News New research indicates the possibility of life outside earth, just not as we know it by Mia Montesin A paper from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) suggests life could exist outside Earth’s nitrogen- and oxygen-rich atmosphere. The study prompts scientists to “imagine if, in our search, we…
News Scientists discover recent tectonic activity on the near side of the moon by Mia Montesin A new report from Brown University has discovered “evidence of seismic activity” due to strange spots scattered across the moon. Scientists propose the largest, oldest, and deepest impact crater recognized…
News Pizza boxes and fridges full of squid: coronavirus is forcing drug smugglers to get creative by Mia Montesin Lockdowns and trade sanctions are seeing drug smugglers turn to new methods, with volumes of air and sea shipments up nearly 200%. Cocaine traffickers have also been sneaking drugs into…
Film and TV News The rumours are true: Taika Waititi set to direct and co-write new ‘Star Wars’ film by Mia Montesin In an appropriately timed announcement on May the 4th, Lucasfilm has announced that Taika Waititi will be adding a Star Wars feature film to his belt. The Oscar-winning writer-director will be…
News Spandex, scrunchies, and fluro: the adrenaline-fuelled relevance of the home workout by Mia Montesin The home workout first emerged in the 1950s, flexed its biceps on videotapes in the ’80s and, in the age of global lockdown, still appears on TV today. Take a…
News Talking to your characters won’t make you a psychopath, study says by Mia Montesin A study shows writers hear their characters talk back. 61% say they listen to them. Research from Durham University and the Edinburgh International Book Festival reveals writers’ experiences with their…