Lists New York hip-hop duo The Amal run us through nine of their tracks by Happy Ever since we first laid ears on The Amal’s track Inebriated Thoughts, we’ve been hooked. The song is a perfect showcase of the New York duo’s penchant for crafting soulful,…
Interviews The Amal chat the process behind their single Inebriated Thoughts by Happy The OBE Amalgamation (aka The Amal) craft the kind of hip-hop music that feeds your mind, body, and spirit. Their lyrics are filled with thought-provoking content, and their beats are…
Music The Amal deliver mindful hip-hop brilliance on Inebriated Thoughts by Happy Coming to you from South Bronx, New York, The OBE Amalgamation (aka The Amal) make hip-hop music for the soul. The NY duo, made up of recording artist/songwriter Slim Dadda…