News S U R V I V E receive Emmy Award for synth-saturated Stranger Things theme by Jacinta Rets Are you a fan of the spine-chilling, synth-soaked introductory theme tune to Stranger Things? S U R V I V E are the group responsible for the series’ creeping soundtrack,…
News With the help of Michael Jackson’s Thriller, Stranger Things reveal a diabolical season to come by Jacinta Rets Stranger Things Season 2 is only three months away from being released and according to the trailer, it’s darker and more intense than its previous season. The innovative trailer is…
News Finn Wolfhard officially living the dream, shreds it at concert from his perch on Mac Demarco’s shoulders by Happy Alright, we’re now officially jealous of Finn Wolfhard. Starring in Stranger Things and being the proud owner of a straight-up badass name we can deal with, but getting to play onstage with Mac…
News Vinyl Ready for Season 2? The Stranger Things soundtrack is getting a boxset reissue with some neon vinyl by Happy While we’ve only got a single trailer so far, the world is already kicking up a fuss about Stranger Things season 2. The Netflix bonanza took the world by storm…