News Malala Yousafzai, Jane Goodall and others urge global climate action by Mia Montesin “Dear world leaders, this is an emergency. We are activists from different causes across the world, writing as one for the first time to demand your immediate action in this…
News Right here, right now: watch Fatboy Slim sample Greta Thunberg live by Sophie Lamberts Conspiracists will now say that the 16-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg is manipulating the diabolical corporate music labels. British DJ Fatboy Slim has sampled part of Thunberg’s speech —…
News More than one billion people are at risk of losing their hearing, UN warns by Mia Hull A generation of music lovers are at risk of losing their hearing to audio players that don’t limit dangerously high sound levels, according to the UN health agency. Unveiling new…