
This Time Only run us through each track of their new EP Marco Ave

It’s been about a week now since Sydney band This Time Only dropped their new EP Marco Ave. For that entire time, we’ve had the EP spinning on repeat.

So fresh off its release, we caught up with the band for a complete run-down of each song. Take it away This Time Only…

Fresh off the release of their new EP Marco Ave, we caught up with Sydney-based outfit This Time Only for a track-by-track run-down.

Marco Ave

This track looks back at a park we used to hang out as kids, where’d we go and drink before we were old enough to get into bars. It’s a kind of retrospective look back at the “good old
days”. Since then, everyone’s kind of moved away from the area and we’ve lost contact with a lot of them. On one hand, it’s reminiscent, and there’s a sense of longing for those days
again, but on the other hand, it’s kind of nice to have gotten out of that area.

The Weekend

Our drummer Mark bet me to write the shortest song I possibly could. I ended up chucking a sickie, used that shitty job as inspiration, and in a bout 15 minutes time we had The
Weekend. I showed Mark for a laugh, but we both really liked it and thought maybe it should be longer than 45 seconds. So, Dan added a solo and we sang the chorus again – genius, right?


We had actually been sitting on this song for a few years now. It’s pretty much our first crack at a ‘love’ song. The song is essentially the story of being with someone who has to move away. It’s all the moments leading up to that, and then the reality that they’re no longer around. *Fun Fact* Mark used a slightly altered version of this track this as wedding dance…proper sweet stuff.

Sunday Morning

I got stood up one night, so I ended up catching up with some friends. To cheer myself up, I got completely shit faced. I wrote this song the very next day. I was at my kitchen table absolutely hating life and thinking the classic “I’m never drinking again”. It was at this point I challenged myself to write a hangover song, whilst utterly hungover. Must admit, I was
surprised with the result.

Vintage Dress

I met my girlfriend just over 2 years ago, but at the time she was planning on moving to Canada. I obviously didn’t want her to go and this song was a situation I kept playing out in my head, where’d I spurt out all this stuff to her about why I don’t want her to leave and make a fool of myself. Thankfully, that situation never eventuated and we both ended up holidaying in Canada. Win-win.


I remember writing this song in like 20 minutes. I had been having a pretty rough time personally, but things were starting to look up for me. I remember sitting at my kitchen table with my guitar and it was pissing down outside and the line “It’s raining outside and there’s violence on the wind” was the first thing that came out of my mouth. The rest of the song then just kind of spilled out of me. What I loved most was the juxtaposing vibe of this track. Although it sounds quite sad and sombre, the message behind it is one of positivity and moving forward.

Marco Ave is available now. Listen above.