Lists Bass synths and backyard cricket: 6 pieces of gear The Francos can’t live without by Happy Not long ago, Wollongong locals The Francos dropped their irresistible EP Absolute Scenes. Woozy and textured, it’s a release that will suck you in a spin you round like a whirlpool……
News PREMIERE: You won’t be able to resist the lush sounds of The Francos new EP by Happy I must confess… I’ve spent the past two hours jamming out to The Francos’ new EP Absolute Scenes when I really should’ve been working. This new collection of songs is…
Lists Warbling tales from Wollongong locals: The Francos walk us through their wondrous debut EP by Happy Wollongong locals The Francos dropped their debut EP Take The Train Home over the weekend, an impressively infectious first release grounded in the pleasures of Aussie suburbia. It’s been spinning in…
Music Find infectious choruses, familiar vibes and a nod to the Gong in The Francos’ new EP, Take The Train Home by Jacinta Rets Local to Wollongong, The Francos are yet another example of talented Aussies that call NSW home, coming together in a suburban garage in 2014 and progressing rapidly ever since. After…