News Dark Mofo gets darker still with the addition of over 20 new artists by Happy With their second round of artist announcements, Dark Mofo 2019 has pulled off one of the festival’s most intimidating lineups to date. Just in case you didn’t already want to…
News APRA AMCOS help bridge the gender gap by announcing a series of workshops for women by Molly Lasker APRA AMCOS are doing their part to combat the gender inequality that continues to plague the music industry by running a bunch of inner-city workshops designed to teach women and…
News There’s something for everyone in Secret Garden’s last-ever lineup by Luke Saunders The final Secret Garden lineup has dropped and it’s sure to go out with an unforgettable bang. It’ll be a jam-packed weekend as both promoters and punters alike celebrate an…
Lists Partner Content 5 contemporary artists who refuse to be pinned down by Joanna Panagopoulos The music world is often changed forever by musicians who break the rules. They slide in and out of genres, they string together a set of obscure noises you didn’t know could…
Music Composer Brendon John Warner transcends genre on La Fonte by Molly Lasker Sydney based composer Brendon John Warner’s music transcends genre; seamlessly floating between electronica and classical, the multi-instrumentalist is paving the way for a new generation of crossover composers who use…
Music Lose yourself in the dreamy, melancholic world of Lorne Vincent by Happy Perth based artist Matt Burke has just dropped his much anticipated, cinematic debut single Sorry For Wasting Your Time, from his incredible new Lorne Vincent project. “Listeners will hear haunting synths…
Interviews A chat, drinks, and a round of pool with Sunscreen by Tom Cameron Sunscreen are a band that Sydney loves. According to Sarah, Alex, Ollie, and Hugo, they’ve even had to call off a holiday, given the insane amount of local shows they’re…
Music Middle Kids on being control freaks and why DIY is the way to go by Nick Stillman Sydney’s Middle Kids are about as charming as you can get. Not in the least because of their name, they very much feel like a tight-knight family, with their idiosyncratic…
News Introducing All Girl Electronic, a free electronic music workshop for young women, trans and non-binary youth by Happy Community arts organisation, Information + Cultural Exchange (ICE) are currently running All Girl Electronic, a free electronic music production workshop and mentorship program for young women, trans and non-binary youth from…
Music News Watch Sunscreen perform a sublime version of their debut single live at Enmore Audio by Happy Over the past few weeks, we’ve been inviting a score of our favourite Aussie bands into the studio at Enmore Audio. It’s been an absolute treat, and we don’t intend…
News Cancel your weekend plans: FBi Radio are throwing the party of all parties at Marly Bar by Freya McGahey If you’re an avid listener of FBi Radio, then the news that the local Sydney station will be doing a full takeover of Newtown’s Marly Bar on the 23rd of March…
Lists Dark pop muso Giverny went to one gig per week in 2017. These were his 6 favourites by Happy Before Giverny plays the Botany View Hotel in January, suss out the artist’s six favourite shows of 2017. You might just find something you love. Words by Giverny. I think…
Features Lists News Happy Mag’s Top 100 Songs of 2017 by Happy Here it is, Happy Mag’s top 100 songs of 2017. It’s the list which nearly kills us each year, but damn it’s always a treat to revisit all the astounding…