Music PAXY just can’t resist on new bluesy-soul single ‘Magnetic Field’ by Tom Disalvo PAXY has reflected on the push-pull dynamics of a relationship on her new single, a brewing indie-pop track titled ‘Magnetic Field’. The song is tinged with bluesy-soul and rock influences,…
Lists Music All the must-see local acts at Bluesfest 2023 by Tom Disalvo With such a stacked lineup of homegrown talent, we’re sifting through our picks for the 10 must-see locals acts at Bluesfest 2023. Bluesfest’s 2023 edition is fast approaching, with the…
Lists 10 artists you can’t miss at Mitchell Creek Rock n Blues Fest 2016 by Chloe Kay Richardson As living, breathing human beings we all get the blues. Blues music is a way of escaping our troubles, yet coming to terms with them. It’s a way to let…
News PREMIERE: Desire, loss, and loves tender touch is on Josh Rawiri’s mind in new rainy and intimate video for My Call by Chloe Kay Richardson Josh Rawiri is a troubadour with soul, and class. As a guitarist he takes the less is more route, drawing emotion, and a subtle screechin’ tone from the six strings before…
Music There aren’t many bands that ride the blues rock wagon quite as hard and fast as The Red Wine Roses by Brooke Gibbs I hear the name The Red Wine Roses, and expect to hear a mix of slow blues, and Jazz, but what I’m struck with is a beautifully unexpected mix of blues…
News PREMIERE: Colin Jones & The Delta Revue throw us straight into a Clarksdale dive bar with full throttle blues track Mama Don’t Weep by Philip Vincent So whisky, and cigarettes are considered bad now, right? Well, I don’t think anyone told Colin Jones, because by hell you can hear them literally scratching, and dripping their way out…
Music Yoko Ono approves of them, and you should too! Meet The Blues Preachers, keeping it real with their pre war, harp soaked Aussie blues by Philip Vincent I open Spotify and type in The Blues Preachers. I know from their Facebook page that they’re a two piece band out of Sydney, but other than that my opinion…