Music WATCH: Pussy Riot (feat. Parcas, Dillom, Muerejoven) – ‘1312’ by James Peppercorn Pussy Riot have always been loud. Their newest track, 1312, couldn’t be any louder. Flipping between heavy metal and trap beats, the track is one powerful chunk of protest music….
Music Yves Tumor’s ‘Gospel For A New Century’ proves he’s in a league of his own by James Peppercorn With music this confronting, this powerful, and this awe-inspiring, Yves Tumor has carved out a musical niche solely his own. After knocking down the doors of restriction with his 2018…
Music The Amazing Snakeheads by Eden Gillespie The band’s name might alarm us faint-hearted types, but The Amazing Snakeheads are well-worth surpassing the fear associated with those reptiles that you once hit in your yard with a…
Music Dead Soft by Georgia Sinclair As far as the global music scene goes, Canada is a place that seems to be absolutely killin’ it at the moment. Hailing from Vancouver in the country’s south, (and…