Film and TV News Check out these animated Wes Anderson storyboards from ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’ by Emily Elvish In honour of his 2014 Oscar-nominated film gracing his much-loved Criterion Collection, Wes Anderson has treated fans to a set of storyboard animatics from The Grand Budapest Hotel. The 25 minutes…
Lists Here are the 10 best movie soundtracks of the 2010s by Luke Saunders Despite the near constant overhype and superhero dredging, there were some particularly incredible films made over the past 10 years with some of the best movie soundtracks we’ve ever heard….
Film and TV News This 6 hour playlist of songs from Wes Anderson films will get you feeling whimsical AF by Happy Top dog filmmaker Wes Anderson is known for many things. Symmetry, amazing use of colour, a disaffected whimsy and killer soundtracks radiate outwards from each of his films, all the way back…