Who has ever been tempted to avoid formal news, whether on TV, radio, or your Facebook feed, because every time you read it just seems to sap your already fragile morale? News often means bad news, although, sometimes something good can come out of it. This is the case of Common Scents, the new single from Dazy Crown.
At a time when the world’s economy is going down and ravaging war is leading to a refugee crisis we have seldom seen before, the Canadian Conservative party is focused on another problem: weed. The founder of the Dazy Crown project, Thomas Little, has decided to take a different view to set the record straight. Common Scents echoes the Canadian singer/songwriter opinion about cannabis smoking: “Just let it go.” These four simple words flutter in a joyful and peaceful musical bloom.
The surf rock twang of Common Scents is as cool and refreshing as a glass of Coke with lemon in it, allowing us to absorb it’s political edge under a dreamy lo-fi haze.
Much like its flowery artwork, Common Scents evokes relaxation over oppression. Dazy Crown doesn’t use the same weapons as his political opponents to deliver the message, as important as it is. Behind the apparent casualness of the song it is a strong message of tolerance that is delivered, an appeal to people’s common sense.
In the words of Little himself: “The fact that [cannabis smoking] is a high point of debate right now within Canadian politics, while issues of much greater importance are being swept under the rug, really speaks volume to how petty the conservatives are. I believe that we just have to get with the times and legalize its use, so we can move on to bigger issues facing our society.”
Surprising in many respects for an artist with such razor sharp ideals behind his music, Common Scents was entirely produced by Little himself with a minuscule budget. “All my tunes are done in my bedroom with a $70 microphone and $30 guitar cable,” he says. “It kinda works out well that I’m going for a lo-fi sound with Dazy Crown.”
Politics matters appear to be a great source of inspiration for Little. He already pleased our ears last august with Perfect Dream, a critique of the idealised vision of the American Dream. Now with Common Scents under his belt, he seems to be building up quite the arsenal of political anthems, delivered not through epic arena moans, but through intelligent bedroom bliss. Once again, Dazy Crown is in bloom.