In unexpected news, Federal MP Bob Katter, known for his anti-China stance has joined the Chinese owned app, TikTok.
Bob Katter has amassed 7779 followers and 624,487 views on his videos so far. Created just two weeks ago, his content dubbed “#BobTok” involves Politics and Katter exploring Australian land spaces and wildlife.
He also reposts clips from news channels, such as a Channel 7 one showing him after taking the COVID-19 jab.
Katter’s enthusiasm for the app is bizarre, as throughout his political career, he has been known for critiquing China and its response and influence in Australia.
Just last month, he accused China of bullying as he believed the Chinese diplomat chairing UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee had influenced a draft decision to list the Great Barrier Reef as “in danger.”
Despite multiple environmental groups and experts saying the listing is necessary for further protection of the decaying reef.
@therealbobkatter #cairnszoom #bobkatter #bobtok #zipline #flyingfox #cairns #northqueensland #croc #crocodile #larrikin #australia #queensland #katter #funmoment
Bob Katter has given no indication of concern or negativity regarding TikTok.
“We tend to be the shock jock of TikTok, so there’s the future,” he said. Whatever that means…
Does Bob Katter understand this is the music that plays when the bad guy appears?
— casey briggs (@CaseyBriggs) July 1, 2021
I feel like TikTok is over… Bob Katter has found it 😳. Do you agree @cottonfarmgirl ? 😂
— Nyssa (@Nyscat) July 9, 2021
Bob Katter joined the House of Representatives in 1993 as a Nationals Member for the Division of Kennedy.
He later left the party to run as an independent and in 2011 formed and leads the Katter’s Australia Party.
His political stance is known for his notable criticism of Chinese trade actions and his defence of regional communities that often have limited access to health facilities and other government services.