News Surry Hills Festival announces new acts and shares full line-up by Happy With the Surry Hills Festival fast approaching, a second line-up of acts has just been announced. Featuring in the second announcement are I Know Leopard, The Civilians and Demi Louise,…
Lists Tripping on bubbles and 5 other awesome music videos from this week by Happy God bless the music video. It really changed the game for music back in the day, and now has an amazing amount of influence over what music we engage with….
News Have some Passion Pop with The Stiffys in their new video for King of the Internet by Happy The Stiffys are back with another new video for their latest single King of the Internet, which features on the band’s upcoming EP Art Rock One, due out on September…
News Surry Hills Festival drops first line-up by Happy The Surry Hills Festival has revealed the first line up for this year’s event, which will include acts like The Stiffys, Noire, Leah Flanagan, Sons of the East, and The…
News Get high off energy drinks with The Stiffys’ new track King of the Internet by Happy Melbourne legends The Stiffys have unleashed their new single King of the Internet, which is the third single to be shared off their upcoming EP release Art One, set to drop on September…
Lists You can’t unsee these 6 videos (in a good way) by Happy Happy Friday everyone! It’s time to start winding down the working week and start ramping up for the weekend ahead. But before you all scurry off for your respective shenanigans…
News The Stiffys share the best fucking video ever by Shayen de Silva In case you haven’t heard, Happy is presenting The Stiffys on their big national Art Rock One tour. In anticipation for the mania that will ensue, those boogie boarding, party rocking legends…
News Get your boogie boards waxed, Happy Presents The Stiffys Art Rock One national tour by Shayen de Silva Legendary Melbourne art rock duo The Stiffys are setting out on a big national tour for their new album Art Rock One. And your mates at Happy are chuffed to present it….
Lists 5 sets of wheels for 5 of our favourite Aussie acts by Nick Hartman Every band needs a way to get around. There comes a point in a young musician’s life when slugging it in your mum’s Tarago doesn’t cut it anymore. Your act needs…
News The Stiffys reveal EP details and national tour by Happy After the success of their 2015 singles Kick Another Flip and Kissy Kissy, Melbourne duo The Stiffys have announced they will be releasing their new EP, ART ROCK ONE, on September…
Lists The Stiffys’ Top 10 Songs from 2014 by Shayen de Silva The Stiffys are certainly a unique pair. They have a rockin’ attitude which they undercut with a relentless sense of humour. They also seem to communicate exclusively in caps lock….
Lists The Stiffys' Top 10 Songs from 2014 by Shayen de Silva The Stiffys are certainly a unique pair. They have a rockin’ attitude which they undercut with a relentless sense of humour. They also seem to communicate exclusively in caps lock….