
Better stretch those limbs, Masco Sound System is coming to make you boogie down

There’s nothing quite like that first sip of beer on a night out; that first step on the dance floor or that first of many chills of euphoria as music walks hand in hand with you into a place where troubles don’t exist.

Perhaps no music more than funk has the innate ability to burn away stress through the friction of a sweet, sweet booshie groove. Masco Sound System have been there and wanna take you with them on June 30th.


Ah, the catharsis of dance. Nothing can soothe an aching soul quite like getting down to some dirty funk grooves and Masco Sound System have just the thing.

The Melbourne astronauts of analogue dance have an EP for us, fresh from the oven of Northcote Social Club’s revered stage to be pressed and published for your longing ears. The EP is a testament to what the band does best; in funk debauchery, groove fantasy and pounding bass vibes, the band are in their element on stage and will have fans salivating for more.

Fortunately for said saliva-producers, MSS are heading to The Curtin on the 30th of June to celebrate the launch of their rhythm-traversing debut. Being a juggernaut of groove infected sounds, the band are set to burst vivd colours of ecstasy both sonically and visually, with recent shows of theirs even featuring live art.

With support from Jumpin’ Jack William and Sugar Teeth there’s no way this night can miss.

Grab your tickets here ASAP and be sure to stretch before busting those hot ass dance moves.