HAPPY: Wow, so the whole video is composited, I had no idea! I thought it was real footage. I wanted to ask you guys, you’re up to your sixth record now and you guys have been going since 2006. What would you say to all the musicians out there about sticking it out? You saw enormous success in 2014 but that was eight years after the conception of the project.
WILLIAM: I would say just stick with it. There’s no such thing as failure, any kind of thing that could be perceived as a failure is an opportunity to learn something and to grow from that. You know, we got turned down by lots of labels, lots of booking agents, lots of managers.
We were turned down for years and, instead of being defeated, we just got out there and we did it on our own. We booked our own shows for like seven years. We just booked ourselves. When we didn’t have a label, we just put out our own music, we burned CDs, cassette tapes, and it’s even easier now to just put it on Bandcamp. I’d just say get it out there and just stay persistent.
I think that’s the main thing, you don’t need to wait until you’re any good to leave your garage, just get out there and in front of people. I think you learn so much more performing in front of people, you’ll learn so much more doing a short tour, or series of shows than you will in a practice room.
It’s more important to mess up in front of people, that’ll make sure you get it right the next time. It seems, at the time, that no one is paying attention, you know, even if you’re playing to like five or 10 people. The next time we went back to those towns hopefully those people came back and they’d have brought some friends.
We had an unwavering belief that things would work out. There was no reason that we should have felt that way though, because everyone around us was telling us not to do it, but we ignored their sound advice. We went out on a limb and we took some chances and we believed we could make this our life.
Now, we could actually do this for a living. 2006 through 2011, those were the hardest years because we all had jobs back home that we would come back to. We had to go back to work and then leave and we were just hustling like crazy, any spare time that we had went to playing shows, touring, writing, and recording.
We really love it, we just stuck with it because we didn’t want to give it up. It was all too much fun and the small fan base that we had made it all worthwhile.
HAPPY: Thank you Future Islands for taking the time to speak with me today
EVERYONE: Thanks, man.
As Long As You Are will be available on all streaming platforms from October 9th.
Pre-order your copy here.
Illustration by Kubi Vasak