
Kid Blue shares an essay on what he’d do if he worked for Australia’s coolest music magazine

Happy Mag: the best magazine to ever open in the Southern Hemisphere and Kid Blue’s future place of work (potentially).

You want to know the truth? Happy Mag rules. You, our beloved audience, would know since you’re cool enough to be on our site right now. We’re based in the heart of Newtown, we put on gigs on the reg, and, most importantly, we’re humble. In fact, we’re better than most things; white wine and tax returns included. I know this for a fact because I’m a journalist, I speak nothing but the truth.

You know who else knows this? Kid Blue. Even though he’s got an incredibly bright music career ahead of him, he still daydreams what it would be like to work for a publication as rad as Happy Mag. It makes us blush, really. Stay tuned because, who knows? Maybe he’ll be writing these articles before too long.

Kid Blue

What I Would Do If I Wrote For Happy Mag: An Essay By Kid Blue

Hey fam, it’s Kid Blue, y’all can call me KB. I’ve had a few write-ups at this awesome magazine and I figured I’d throw a hypothetical out there. What would I do if I quit my career as a young upcoming rapper and became a writer at Happy Mag instead?

Let’s run with it. So, if I wrote for Happy Mag, there’d be a few cool things I’d like to write about. Firstly, I’d be doing lots of hip hop content (who saw that coming). But there’s so much sick underground hip-hop in Sydney, some dope stuff you can listen to on 2ser and Cyphers you can check out almost every night. I’m biased because it’s what I do, but hip-hop is where it’s at.

Yo, if I wrote for Happy Mag, I’d interview heaps of different buskers on the streets get their stories out there. Get a weekly write up on the streets of Sydney, maybe we’ll find the next Tones and I just doing their thing?


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If I wrote for Happy Mag, I’d also interview other writers who write for Happy Mag and see what sort of music they like. I’d write about the Happy Mag writers, get their own stories out there. If I wrote for Happy Mag I’d write about music from around the world, see what was popping off in the Caribbean and what was good in Chicago, get a listening party going on with different artists and music writers from around the world. I’d also make a Happy Mag Spotify playlist.

Any sick ideas I should do as an employee at Happy Mag? Shoot through a dm at me @itskidblue. And check out my latest drop Broken Bodies featuring American artist Wifisfuneral.

But for real, Happy Mag are always on the look out for rad, upcoming writers, like Kid Blue. Keep an eye out on our socials for some exciting opportunities.

Check Kid Blue’s latest single below: