
English footballer Marcus Rashford to release second children’s book

Marcus Rashford has announced that the follow-up to his bestselling children’s book will be published in July by Macmillian Children’s Books.

Entitled You Can Do It: How to Find Your Team and Make a Difference, Manchester United footballer Marcus Rashford’s second children’s book is set to be an inspirational “guide for children aged between 10 and 14.”

The book will encourage its readers “to use their voice to champion causes they care about, give advice about the importance of teamwork,” and will explain “how even the smallest changes can have the biggest impact, and how to use your voice to make a meaningful change for the better.” 

With co-author Carl Anka. (Photo: Carl Anka)

Rashford’s first book, You Are a Champion, was the bestselling children’s non-fiction title of 2021, selling over 220,000 copies in the UK alone. Co-written by journalist Carl Anka, both writers engaged in focus groups to analyze children’s reactions to the first book.

“The insight sessions were brilliant and I’m proud of the outcome, focusing on how we can best champion one another, and view difference as a positive rather than a means to discriminate,” Rashford said. “[You Can Do It] is about how you can use your voice to support others.”