
Ryan Hemsworth + Special Guests

Canadian producer Ryan Hemsworth has been in the country for a while now, and his show last week at The Chinese Laundry Pool Party was lauded as one of the best sets The Ivy had seen all year. Smatterings of traply sub-bass, unexpected turns into a-capella Outkast and of course his unique brand of original tunes kept audiences on their toes.

ryan hemsworth

Ryan makes a return to Sydney for a special club show at the Oxford Art Factory on Saturday (8th March). Sexy, upbeat and atmospheric, Ryan Hemsworth makes delay driven dance music that seems more at home in your dreams than on the dancefloor. In this respect he follows in a long tradition of awesome Canadian dance music – think names like Caribou and Holy Fuck, artists whose roots are in dance music, but aren’t afraid to get a little weird with their sounds.

Tix are available for $33.80 on moshtix via the link below, doors open at 9pm. Along with his remix of local lad Wave Racer’s Streamers, check out Hemsworth’s amazing 2013 release Still Awake via the bandcamp link below and get PUMPED for this weekend.