
Save the turtles and your phone with these sweet as WĀKE cases

As restrictions slowly ease and shops begin to reopen, you’ve probably got one thing on your mind: “Damn, I really need a new phone case.” Iso was a trying time, and your phone really took the brunt. Don’t act like you didn’t helplessly watch on as your phone slammed down from the kitchen bench while you were wrestling a brand new sourdough starter. Or even tumbling down from the bookshelf while you were midway through your Youtube workout.

Meet WĀKE: the eco-friendly new cases that are heartier than your Grandma’s minestrone. Ever wanted to buy a case that helps save marine life? Now you can. Ever wanted to don those suave ocean designs on your very own phone? Now you can. Ever wanted to drop your phone from a military grade 2 metres? You guessed it, now you can.

Photo: Lifeproof

Are you notoriously clumsy? Do you have a mate whose phone has more scratches than an op-shop vinyl? Lifeproof are here to cure all your unco blues with their smooth new WĀKE cases. Oh yeah, and they’re made from salvaged fishing gear.

The backstory behind these cases is pretty incredible. Lifeproof scours the ocean for abandoned fishing material, helping out a whole lot of fish in the process, crushes everything down into raw materials, and then transforms this into their beautiful cases. The cases end up containing 85% ocean-based recycled plastic, are QI Charge compatible, and are pretty damn sturdy.

When you buy any Lifeproof product, including the WĀKE cases, you’re really contributing to something special. With every purchase, one dollar will be automatically donated to one of Lifeproof’s amazing partner charities. Whether your donation runs to Water.org, Coral Reef Alliance, American Rivers, or Oceana, you’ll be helping out a great organisation dedicated to a healthy oceans and clean water for all. 

It’s all there in the tagline: “Lifeproof was born in the ocean. It’s part of our identity, and we’re helping preserve it for generations to come.”

Check out the WĀKE collection here.