
Airchild 660 Compressor is a Powerhouse in Pedal Form

J.Rockett Audio Designs must have a shrink ray in their factory because the new Airchild sounds much bigger than it actually is

Their Latest Pedal release the ‘Airchild 660’ is a faithful interpretation of the iconic circuitry designed by Rein Narma, who was asked by Les Paul to make a compressor/ Limiter. As soon as word got out, It quickly became a studio staple. Used Famously by Geoff Emerick on the Beatles records, as well as being responsible for the iconic slide tones of Lowell George and  Lead/rhythm tones of Mark Knopfler.

The Airchild features 4 controls on the front panel including Output, Tone, Blend and Threshold Control. These 4 controls allow for a surprising amount of sonic possibilities utilising the output control, you can dial in how hard you’re hitting the amp and the amount of compression heard.

The threshold acts as the input, threshold and time constant controls you would find on a 660,  this is where you can dial in the interaction between your input and the compression.

The tone knob on the top right-hand corner acts as a tilt EQ, helping to balance the overall  EQ to be more natural and alleviate the effect on your original tone. Lastly, we have the blend control that lets you balance the clean and compressed sound. Since it does not affect the tone control and output, this gives you the ability to use this pedal as a boost with a Tilt EQ!

Rockett’s designs have hit the nail on the head with this one, filling a niche in the compressor pedal market that has been much needed for a while.

Head over to the J.Rockett Website to learn more and be sure to check out our Full Review and demo on YouTube.