
Exploring the Underground: Sean Sever Discusses ‘Subliminal’ and Beyond

We chat with visionary electronic music artist Sean Sever, creator of the mesmerizing EP ‘Subliminal’.

Currently traveling through Japan, Sean shares the inspirations and creative processes behind his latest work. ‘Subliminal‘ is an immersive sonic journey that delves into the depths of the human mind, exploring themes of contemplation, change, and introspection. Through infectiously pulsating beats and raw techno, Sean transports listeners to an underground sound atmosphere.
In this interview, Sean takes us on a track-by-track journey through ‘Subliminal’, revealing the emotional states and artistic intentions behind each song. He also discusses his production techniques, the evolution of his style within the techno genre, and his exciting plans for future collaborations and explorations.
Sean Sever 'Subliminal'
Dive into the world of Sean Sever and discover the story behind ‘Subliminal’, an EP that invites listeners to explore the deeper layers of their thoughts.

HAPPY: What are you up to today?

SEAN SEVER: I’m currently traveling in Japan. It’s important for me to get away from the studio from time to time and explore the amazing world we reside in. 

HAPPY: What inspired the creation of your recent EP ‘Subliminal’? 

SEAN: Subliminal as the title implies is the mental process or stimulus you experience that is below your level of perception. These can be thoughts, sounds or feelings we are not necessarily aware of but their affect ever present. 

My intention was to deliver on a deeper sound, something a bit more muddy / raw. Something of a mini album as it were for your mind to run around in and play.

The way I produced this work deviated from my usual workflow in the sense that one 2am morning I had pretty much roughly produced the core for each track. 

This was important to maintain sonic coherence and stay true to my original intentions for this artistic expression through sound.

HAPPY: Your EP has been described as transporting listeners to an underground club atmosphere. How did you aim to evoke this environment through your music?

SEAN: I would not go so far as to say underground club atmosphere but rather an underground sound. I wanted to deviate a bit more from the norm and play around more with atmospheric sound design.

HAPPY: Could you walk us through the journey of ‘Subliminal’? From the infectiously pulsating ‘Reverie’ to the raw techno of ‘Dissolution’ and ‘Shadows’, what were the inspirations and creative processes behind each track?

SEAN: The opening track, “Reverie,” sets the tone for contemplation. Imagine it as a musical interpretation of daydreaming if you will – a journey through the many levels of the mind. I wanted the first track to exhibit a bit of influence from cyber subculture and evoke a playful sound. 

“Dissolution” is where I wanted to take you the listener deeper. The track offers a exploration of change and impermanence. The track’s evolving soundscapes represent the ever-shifting nature of our thoughts and feelings, encouraging you, the listener, to embrace the sound and let the hypnotic rhythm guide you to where it wants you to be. This is by far my favorite track on the album and for me at least encapsulates my state of mind at the time. 

Oh… “Shadows,” the mood shifts to introspection. This piece explores the deeper emotions and fears that we often keep hidden. To ourselves and others.

Its simple, yet intricate, darker composition mirrors the complexities of our inner selves, creating a reflective and deeply personal listening experience. This track means whatever it is meant to mean to you. The bassline exhibits a quality and feel of being followed or hunted. Perhaps by our own shadow as it were.

The final track, “Mirage,” brings a sense of closure and contemplation. Blending subtle sound variations along with it’s hypnotic lines inviting the listener to ponder the line between perception and reality, ending the EP on a reflective note.

“Subliminal” really is my invitation to you to explore, listen and connect with the deeper layers of your thoughts.

HAPPY: Your production features synthetic sounds and ambient textures. What techniques and tools do you use to create such immersive sonic landscapes?

SEAN: I enjoy playing around with different forms of synthesis. Sometimes I develop new sounds in the box and sometimes I play around with outboard gear. It really isn’t just one at of go-to tools or personal workflow. I like to experiment a lot and all of my work / sounds are from what I feel from my emotional state at the time. None of my work is meaningless, to me any way. 

HAPPY:  ‘Subliminal’ showcases loop-based arrangements and futuristic synths. How have you developed and refined your style within the techno genre over time?

SEAN: The biggest refinement as it were was to stay true to what I bring as a sound. My personal work has a ‘Sean Sever’ vibe. Sometimes it’s the cinematic feeling from some of my tracks and sometimes it’s the structure or the way I end the last 32 bars of my tracks. Combined this is my own style within this genre. 

HAPPY: As an artist, how do you see your sound evolving beyond ‘Subliminal’? Are there new directions or collaborations you’re excited to explore?

SEAN: Absolutely, I’ve worked on some remixes and another EP collaboration since. For the immediate future though I’m happy to continue exploring the hypnotic techno subgenre.