News Remember the time Pink Floyd performed with the French ballet? Here’s the footage by Happy From the early stages of their career up until they were at the height of their game, Pink Floyd stretched the limits of what a rock band could be. Their…
Features Pro Audio A tidal wave of change: behind the scenes of progressive rock in the 60s by Pinky Latt If the 1950s was the dawn of rock ‘n’ roll, then the ‘60s were dedicated to advancement in the form of a tidal wave known as “progressive rock.” In a…
News Hear Pink Floyd go deep on Dark Side of the Moon and 5.1 surround sound in this fascinating documentary by Happy “The original Dark Side of the Moon that everybody knows and loves is actually third generation tape, most of it. Most of the drums, bass and rhythm guitars were all bounced…
News Floyd, Queen and Jagger: Hunting down the locations of rock legends photographed in London by Happy Each of the world’s major cities have an amazing musical history, but London’s is especially rich. From the reggae/dub-centric Notting Hill Carnival to the rock Mecca of Abbey Road Studios,…
Lists Counting down to the apocalypse: a world-ending playlist by Sydney’s Accidental President by Happy Sydney-based rockers Accidental President got together as a band under one philosophy; that the world was going to shit. Their hard-rock righteousness is the perfect delivery vehicle for this disgust,…
News Wine glasses and rubber bands: Listen to tracks from Pink Floyd’s abandoned album Household Objects by Happy Following the release of their 1973 masterpiece Dark Side of the Moon, Pink Floyd were at a bit of a loss of where to go next. Eight albums in, the…
Lists News 10 album covers which were actually improved by MS Paint by Happy Yesterday we heard the unspeakably sad news that Paint, Microsoft’s 32-year-old image editing baby, was going the way of the dodo. Hours and hours of our collective childhoods were lost…
Features Pro Audio Open up and say wah: 7 obscure uses of the wah pedal by Enmore Audio Sitting within the uncanny valley between organic and mechanical; the wah (or wah-wah) effect produces a unique sonic pull. The harmonic content of a wah treated sound often occupies some…
News Trump in makeup? Roger Waters turned the painful vision into a reality at last night’s rehearsal concert by Jacinta Rets Pink Floyd front man Roger Waters put on quite a show last night at Meadowlands Arena, New Jersey as part of a public dress rehearsal. Waters displayed his distaste with the current…
News Giant props, politics and psychedelia: Inside Pink Floyd’s mesmerising new exhibition, ‘Their Mortal Remains’ by Happy London’s V&A Museum have been known to put on incredible immersive music-focused exhibitions. Their 2013 David Bowie retrospective was an absolute triumph, with an unprecedented collection of props, costumes instruments and…
News When pigs fly: four enormous golden pigs will cover Trump tower for a day thanks to Pink Floyd by Jacinta Rets Commuters of Chicago will find temporary relief from having to stare at the dreaded ‘TRUMP’ sign plastered on Trump tower, as an architect plans to conveniently position Pink Floyd inspired pigs in front of…
News A monstrous shrimp that kills using sonic blasts has been named after Pink Floyd by Happy What better way to pay homage to your favourite band ever than naming a goddamn species after it? To Oxford University zoologist Dr Sammy de Grave there is none. He’s been…
News Check out this rare footage of Pink Floyd in the studio writing ‘Echoes’ by Happy The Pink Floyd Early Years 1965–1972 boxset is the gift that keeps on giving. Already we’ve been treated to a completely new visual identity for the band and an official video…