News Pro Audio Baritone guitar: the tale of the unsung guitar hero by Tim McArtney Even though you might not recognise the baritone guitar by its look, you will know that low, distinctive sound. Let’s look into this trailblazing guitar. The baritone guitar is a…
News Bad Friday’s full 2020 lineup has us feeling all kinds of good by Claire Adema Bad Friday’s full 2020 lineup has us feeling very, very, very good. The annual Marrickville street party has released the second round of acts set to hit the festival, a…
News Bad Friday 2020 is set to be bigger and better than ever by Luke Saunders Last year, when the legendary one-day festival Bad Friday was done and dusted for the year, we were very upset. But,luckily for us, 2020 is set to be even bigger…
Live Twin Peaks, Wild Honey and Wax Witches brought a fire tornado of raucous rock n’ roll to the Oxford Art Factory over the weekend by William Jennings Harboured in one of Sydney’s most vibrant and culturally diverse social hubs, the Oxford Art Factory is known to churn through an array of creative acts on a perpetual assembly…
Lists Millions Look Back at the Best of 2014 by Shayen de Silva So new year’s eve has come and gone. You got drunk. You made promises you had no intentions of keeping. You desperately wanted to kiss that cute person at the party at midnight, but…