Usually, when buying video games, you have to do some extensive searching to compare prices but not anymore! Game Camp is your new solution.
I have a pretty vast library of games that I still need to allocate some time to play, and the list continues to grow.
Some of these games can be pretty expensive, especially with many new releases in the not too distant future. I’m now significantly less stressed about the whole process after stumbling across Game Camp.
I jumped onto the website for the first time today, and I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to navigate and find the games I was looking for.
Now the website only provides game keys; if you want physical copies or collectors editions, you’re going to have to get them the old-fashioned way. If not, then you’re sorted here.
Some of the differences in the prices are pretty decent as well. One site listed an Elden Ring key for $81.11 AUD, while the cheapest price listed on the site was $64.74 AUD.
Additionally, if you decide to follow them on Twitter or Instagram, they hold giveaways occasionally, and I think the odds of you scoring a AAA title are pretty high.
Moving forward, I’m always going to be checking the prices on Game Camp, even if for some unexplainable reason I feel a bit cheeky in doing so like I’m playing the system.
And now, I can finally say that camping is a legitimate strategy. I’ll see myself out.