
Girls Pissing On Girls Pissing

Girls Pissing On Girls Pissing. Ruuuuuuuude. You can imagine the almost-hot mess I found myself in when doing some background work on these guys. My fear of the unknown was backed by a dirty mind when clicking on a YouTube video. I’m sure there have been many confused young teens in the same place I found myself. But trust me, these guys are worth taking some time away from your pee porn session* to check out.

Sporting a very grungy no wave, kind of nu-gaze sound, smothered with distortion and droned-from-the-bottom-of-your-guts vocals. Sounds slightly crazy cult/satanic, yes. Also, I don’t know what it is about the brass work in here that makes it feel uber depressing. I remember this movie where a group of teens (pretty girls, jocks, one smart dude, token black guy; you know the drill) get stuck in this big metal underground bunker thing, and sure enough start going crazy and killing each other. GPOGP should totally re-do the soundtrack to that movie.

girls pissing on girls pissing

Girls Pissing On Girls Pissing are a band from Auckland who maybe sacrificed someone once, and play mad tunes. Tune on in if you like music to rebel to.

Darwinning was the latest recording, released in October last year with MUZAI Records. A limited edition cassette release, aka too cool for you to still get, so send you grubby little mainstream phalanges here to buy and download digital copies of their previous work. GPOGP’s last record Eeling – which is also uber depressing, eerie and slightly un-nerving to listen to – is a stand out for me.

A new clip for A Fraud Abroad from Darwinning is now on the loose, the visuals of which are as weird, creepy, dark and sinister as the music lets you imagine it to be. And it’s a damn good tune. A depressed mono-toned lady version of Jesus Stole My Girlfriend**, or lady voiced Nirvana. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I like it.

Girls Pissing On Girls Pissing are from Auckland, New Zealand, may or may not have sacrificed a human and are playing Borderline 2014 THIS FRIDAY.

*Do people still use the term golden shower? **Can totally hear that.