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Happy’s Zen Horoscope (24th October – 30th October): Realign and focus

Leo’s fourth-quarter moon event on October 28 encourages you to clean up your act. Turn around any lack of follow-through, and bring creativity to the fore with any projects or tasks that may have been inadvertently fueling low self-esteem.

These could be things that you haven’t gotten around to doing that you know will make you feel better – now is the time to give them your undivided attention. 

October 30 sees Mars enter Scorpio, which will help to sharpen your focus with a dose of extra passion. Expect your energy and motivation levels to get a push. Dig a little deeper than usual, get to the heart of the matter, and find solutions by tapping into your inner strength. You will find that you can get through anything, in true Scorpio style. 


This is one of those weeks where you just have to push yourself forward, with or without someone to help you along. Especially, if you’ve been hit with the lazies lately.

Maybe it feels hard, maybe you don’t have anyone cheering you on, and you are finding that you have to do it all by yourself. Luckily you have what it takes to get going again – you just have to tap into your inner strength, in your own unique boss way. 


Burdens aren’t really what you think they are, sometimes they are not actually a burden at all – sometimes they are nothing more than a figment of your imagination.

All the same, be strategic, keep going and you’ll find that it all pans out. Just keep moving forward with an open heart and mind, and you will be fine. 


I want this, I don’t want that.

Think about that for a minute and if thoughts like these are holding you back, waiting for everything to be perfect, chances are it never will be. So pull your socks up and get on with it.

Don’t ignore the calling – hear it! Don’t let any thoughts of ‘it would be better if’ get in the way of following your dreams. 



Let it go, let it go, you know the song. Anything that you are holding onto too tightly most likely isn’t going to make you feel as safe or secure as you thought it would. 

Letting go of any bad habits that you may have around – money, belongings, time or feelings – will bring a new sense of expansiveness and freedom into your life. Things don’t make you beautiful, you make yourself beautiful. 


Got some one-sided charity going on? Meeting others halfway on something needn’t always feel compromising, depending on why you are doing it in the first place.

Remember, if it goes against your truth, maybe don’t compromise yourself, but if it’s truly meeting someone halfway and it feels right, then yes, full steam ahead. Remember, it’s always good to check in with your gut feelings and to think hard and fast on it first. 


Do I, don’t I? Hold on, let go? Decisions, decisions. Difficult decisions can lead to avoidance if left for too long. Sometimes the list of pros and cons makes no difference, and when it’s a situation like that, sometimes you just have to choose.

Just choose. Follow your heart, at least that way you’ll know how you really feel. If it feels like a mistake, then you may be able to change your mind – if you’re lucky. Either way, you’ll feel better.


Suffering from poor planning? Have some latent untapped talents laying around? Don’t be letting the best of you go to waste! Professionally you have a lot more to give, so look for ways that you can meaningfully bring any unused skills to the table – it will make your professional life way more fulfilling.

With an eye on creativity and fun, revitalize your life in all areas by adding a new dimension to what already lies within. 


Rebirth baby, rebirth. You are finally healing some old deep hurts, and are very close to making some great changes. Everything that you have learned along the way, take it all on board and take it with you as you keep moving forward – you are creating a new paradigm for yourself. 

There is a lot to be proud of, so don’t be shy in feeling good about yourself. Only good things come from this kind of effort, so kudos. 


Get clear about your values. What do you stand for, what don’t you? You know what you want to achieve in this lifetime, and you know what you need to do in order to live your best life in a way that sits right with you – morally, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

You are being called on to walk a path more in alignment with your morals, so keep this in mind as you move through the week ahead. 


Now more than ever, you may need to spend a bit more time alone so you can really work on what you want to. Avoid distractions, tap into your calling, and allow your inner being to speak through you so that it reflects in your work.

You may also need to use this time to plan out a more structured routine so that you can stick to your goals. As long as you stick with it, you’ll get over the finish line. 


You’re the boss, you know who you are. You know you love a bit of discipline. You also love structure so why mess with what works. In fact, don’t mess with that.

You know that you need to keep things right, so take this opportunity to rebalance and adhere to what you know works. Less TV, fewer distractions and work on your private goals without disturbance.  


Don’t look outwards, look inwards. Use this time to focus on your inner personal goals and remind yourself what is truly important to you, and what truly lights you up.

Maybe you are heading in a direction that isn’t feeling like it’s in alignment with your higher purpose, and if that is the case, then now is a good time to take a moment and reconnect with your dreams and ambitions, so that you can adjust things accordingly.