
Happy’s Zen Horoscope (3rd April – 9th April): Be intuitive

As the First Quarter Moon In Cancer approaches, let your intuition guide you through the week ahead.

Allow any emotions you feel to act as a motivator for action and change, as long as it feels correct and not too reactionary, you can step forward with the right kind of intent and make some inspired moves to get through any potential challenges.


Compassion is at the forefront of things this week. If you find that others are looking to you for care and compassion, may as well give your heart out. For any creative projects, pay attention to your intuition, if something feels off, give it some space so that you can get a feel for what may need adjusting or changing.


This week is all about new experiences and new beginnings. If you are feeling a little trepidatious, remember, that the only way to grow is to step out of your comfort zone, even if you don’t always know where it leads. Now is not the time to let worry or fear hold you back, face the fear and do it anyway.



Teachers will always present themselves when the student is ready, or so the saying goes. If you feel like you need a hand with something, advice, guidance, whatever the case may be, don’t be afraid to reach out to the people in your life that can teach you something. Whatever it is, people are always happy to help.



Contentment is the name of the game. Just keep following your heart and let your intuition lead you to the opportunities that are in alignment with your highest good. This week is all about letting your feelings and emotions guide you. If something feels great, do more of it, the same applies if it doesn’t, do less of it if you catch my meaning.



Be open to everything, and let your curiosity lead you to new things. Especially if it gives you the opportunity to discover a lesser-known side of yourself. Anything that leans towards the dreamy or fantastic, or anything that you may have once thought was out of reach, reach for it, dream big, and let this lead you towards achieving your fullest potential.



You already know what it is that you want to achieve, now it’s just a matter of turning that goal into a clear plan of action. You may have to step outside of your comfort zones, but what’s most important at this time is that you stay positive, and maintain with certainty that things will work out splendidly, and they will.


A new opportunity may be around, and you certainly have the skills to take it on. You need only to remember that whether it becomes a success or not is entirely up to you. You are the determining factor and you can create any outcome you want, so be mindful of your intent, because you hold the power.



The pursuit of a new idea is not new to you, after all, it’s what you do best. You are comfortable in stepping up as a visionary leader, ready to direct your team towards a common goal. You have a clear vision of where you want to go, and now you are manifesting that vision with the support of those around you. The only thing to be mindful of is having a clear plan, that’s it, a clear plan, that’s all you need.


All in the name of transformation and change, things are about to get interesting. You may have hit a bit of a pause recently, but that in part feels to be on the way out. Take this time to ponder the possibilities, the options, and where you want to go next. You know the saying, out with old and in with the new. You will be fine, more than fine, you will be brilliant.



Others want some of what you have got, you know your warm radiant vibrant energy. As long as you tap into your centre, and stay authentic in your approach, you’ll be able to give a lot of yourself this week in collaborations with others in a very meaningful and real way.



This week may see you taking on a little extra work or responsibility. It may make things feel harder, but it’s most likely only temporary. So with this in mind, you can feel okay putting in the extra hours. Maybe you are working a little more to save up for a holiday. Maybe you are taking on a few extra responsibilities around the house to help out a family member, whatever the case may be, know that it is all good.



A great week to focus your attention inwards. Especially if it gives you the space and time to contemplate what relationships mean to you. Rather than spending time with others, you may find yourself focusing your attention on yourself, so that you can define what it is that you really want. To gain some clarity, ask yourself what an ideal relationship looks like to you, and how you want to give or receive so that you can bring this energy into your connections.