
Got the rainy day blues? This weather-sensitive music app will craft a playlist just for you

Rain, hail or shine, there’s a song for every weather condition out there. Whether you want to beam with the summer, bounce around in spring or wilt away between the blankets during winter, there’s always the perfect tune just waiting to reach your eyes.

Weather Tunes is an app which takes temperature, location, conditions and even wind speed into consideration, hooking you up with a finely curated playlist to suit the mood. God damn, why didn’t I think of that first.

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A song for every season: wallow in the cold of winter or spring about in summer with Weather Tunes, a new music app we’re digging very much.

I can see this having a pretty variable success based on where you live. In far North Queensland you’ll only ever be flicking through tunes for 95% humidity or, you know, monsoons.

Meanwhile in Melbourne you’ll be able to experience the full range of Weather Tunes’ recommendation algorithm. If you’re lucky, you’ll even get it in one day.

Check out the app here.

Via Reddit.