
Paul Stanley from KISS called Kim K’s advice to women “ironic”

Late last week, Kim Kardashian told Variety that she thinks women need to work harder, and obviously, people were not stoked.

“I have the best advice for women in business,” Kim said. “Get your fucking ass up and work. It seems like nobody wants to work these days.

“You have to surround yourself with people that want to work,” she continued. “Have a good work environment where everyone loves what they do because you have one life. No toxic work environments and show up and do the work.”

The legendary Paul Stanley chimed in on Twitter, saying: “The irony here would be funny if it wasn’t such an insult to millions of women who struggle to achieve and put food on the table while battling a system of inequality and inequities. Kim, You were born rich. Embrace it with grace by not being blind.”