It takes a certain kind of someone to get it – if you don’t get it then clearly you’ve lost your way in stumbling across this band, but don’t despair, you’ll get it, eventually and you’ll grow to love them, eventually. Like all the times something was so hilarious but you failed to be in on the joke, and you did’t want to laugh because you did’t know if the person was dead serious or just messing with you. These larrikins are pretty damn cheeky and pretty damn serious – sometimes it’s a bit hard to keep up. Don’t underestimate their rise with their signature sound lying somewhere in the fields of rock – surf, swamp, psychedelia, garage, rock n roll and more.

The Ruminaters debut album is a dynamic collection of their signature pained and lively rock sound – seemingly meaningless content will strike a deep chord.
Sydney’s The Ruminaters are truly actors of their craft as they adopt different personas with ease – they present themselves as a rather theatrical and quirky band with a rowdy live reputation, yet are haunted by a dark, spooky and grungy rock sound that dabbles in surf to swamp. It’s like from one track you are trapped in this dingy dungeon and the next you are jumping around and chanting in the locker room after a grand final win. With Pencil ( lead vocals and rhythm guitar), Sloppy ( lead guitar), Gilligans Island ( bass and keys) and Redted (drums), I Hate The Ruminaters is the band’s debut album and it’s got a little bit of everything with tracks to inspire you to wreak havoc and others to help you go to sleep – concluding this album is the sweet The Ruminaters Lullaby.
I Hate The Ruminaters was recorded on a secluded farm up near Byron Bay, with producer Rohin Brown ( The Walking Who, Angus Stone) and mixed by Sydney legend Wade Keighran ( Wolf & Cub, The Scare). Perhaps if you listen close enough you can tell the album was recorded live inside a tractor shed, on top of a hill that overlooked farmland and the ocean – a picturesque soundscape that has clearly had its influence in this playfully carefree album. The lead vocals has this pained, croaky and highly textured quality that adds uniqueness to the band – it has this undying spirit , proved to remain ever expressive and in existence in its most drained state.
With influences from artists they supported in the past likes of Sticky Fingers, Zeahorse, Goons of Doom, Wolf & Club and many more, and personal favourites including The Beatles, Beach Boys, Doors, Strokes, The Smiths and Clash, there is truth in the idea that we are made up of the things and people we surround ourselves by, whether those influences are subtle and accidental or obvious and intentional, you can hear them all.
With a dramatic build- up, We Are The Ruminaters is a modest piano driven folk track, Long Hair Is Cooler Than Short Hair takes you on this space odessy before grounding you back to the beaches with its surfy vibes, and Alpaca King has this menacing reggae sway about it. The Devil Stole My Brother, Ate Him Up, Chewed Him And Spat Him Out is an angsty and bluesy folk hit with the most vivid single title, Deadstuff has this riveting sense of revival and Double Bass is a defeated and emotionally void track that you will find an immediate connection with if you are having a crippling day. Monster Brains is like a modern rendition of the classic Monster Mash, just less G-rated and way more grungy – I wish I was made to dance to Monster Brain at my school disco – they’d be much more enthusiasm that’s for sure.
Gather round and share your hate for The Ruminaters, and by hate I mean love and by The Ruminaters I means chicken* dinner, it’s a winner. In the words of the boys themselves, “This is a fucked album for people who are willing to get fucked up too.” Catch the boys live as they reach the halfway mark of their I Hate The Ruminaters album tour! I Hate The Ruminaters will be released 28th November through Shock Entertainment / The A&R Department. Like the little googly – eyed character that follows them around, The Ruminaters are adorably intimidating – you don’t want to mess with these wild dudes, so you have no choice but to join them.
Thursday 28th November – Grace Darling, Melbourne
Friday 29th November – Album launch at Wild Things Gallery, Manly, Sydney
Thursday 4th December– Yours and Owls, Wollongong, NSW
Saturday 6th December – Pavement Records Launch at The Sly Fox, Sydney
Thursday 11th December – La De Da, Mona Vale, Sydney
Friday 19th December – Jam Gallery, Bondi Junction, Sydney
* The boys sure love their chicken ( exhibit A: feature image) so when I say chicken I actually really mean The Ruminaters.