Quivers is one of the two signees on Jo Syme’s (Big Scary, Pieater) newly founded label Hotel Motel Records. The new collective has certainly hit the ground running, dropping a single from both of its artists in their first week.
Riding on the Hearses serves as your introduction to Quivers, a jangly, spellbinding piece of emotional Australiana. As the title track to their debut album We’ll Go Riding on the Hearses (currently being recorded with Dave Mudie of the Courtney Barnett Band), it’s the perfect place to begin your love affair with this up-and-coming Hobart act.
Today we present the accompanying video to that first track. Charmingly low budget and honest in its simplicity, the Quivers attitude shines through stronger than ever on this clip, directed by Kieran Sullivan.
A heartfelt goodbye to the sibling he lost, Riding on the Hearses sees jangle-pop act Quivers taking the road for a lasting tribute.
The primary songwriter and frontman of Quivers, Sam J Nicholson, started the band after the death of his brother in a free diving accident. This video, and indeed the entire debut album, represent a collection of songs Nicholson wrote in the wake of that incident, a means of expression amongst his grief.
It’s a stunning clip, only made more beautiful when placed in that context. The cheery exterior of Riding on the Hearses belies an underlying sadness almost too moving for words, and if Quivers can keep up that duality for the rest of the album, sign us up for some more happy tears.