Film and TV News Check out these animated Wes Anderson storyboards from ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’ by Emily Elvish In honour of his 2014 Oscar-nominated film gracing his much-loved Criterion Collection, Wes Anderson has treated fans to a set of storyboard animatics from The Grand Budapest Hotel. The 25 minutes…
Film and TV News Chris Pratt reveals that original cast will be returning for Jurassic World 3 by Claudia Schmidt Chris Pratt has seemingly confirmed that the original Jurassic Park cast will be returning for the fifth sequel, Jurassic World 3. This means the return of Sam Neill, Laura Dern, and…
News PREMIERE: Listen to Convoluted, the funky new single from Aussie groove-makers Bread Club by Lara Smetannikov Convoluted is the fresh new dirty funk number from Aussie groovers Bread Club. This one will have you dancing long into the summer, guaranteed. A groovy bass line, smooth guitar, trumpet,…
News Thank god! There now exists a giant, shirtless Jeff Goldblum statue by Happy If you’re ever feeling a little low, just remember that the universe is 13.8 billion years-old, and somehow you managed to exist at the same time as this giant statue of…
News Music, uh, finds a way: Jeff Goldblum to release debut album later this year by Liz Campbell Beloved actor and all-around top bloke Jeff Goldblum has got the internet in a frenzy today with the announcement he will release a debut album later this year. As reported…