
The Walking Who have released a new album on the fly

Sydney trio The Walking Who have made fans everywhere do a classic double-take after releasing a new album Lewiside this morning with very little notice.

The Walking Who new album

The band have been holed up in various recording spaces over the last 18 months piecing the album together, a process that has proven to be a joyful yet intense one. The band slyly teased on their Facebook page on Saturday “Its been a while since we released a record hasn’t it..“, then following up the next day with “We are going to do something tomorrow that may be as controversial as Bill Clinton in the oval office…“.

The boys dropped the bombshell this arvo, with the intention behind the surprise announcement to be to deliver the news to people who were most keen to hear new material, rather than feed hype through press.

The album has been available to the public in full, and you check it out on Soundcloud below.