Very few instruments match the scale, grandeur and impressiveness of full-sized pipe organs. With several being practically as large as the cathedrals which they call their homes, they’re a definite frontrunner for the most magnificent instruments humans have created.
After a lifetime of fascination for these gigantic organs, photographer Robert Götzfried was granted entry into a number of Catholic churches in Southern Germany to capture their magnificence.
The beauty of pipe organs has never been more evident than in this photography series from the mind of Robert Götzfried.
Despite how varied each church or cathedral’s organ may be from the others, Götzfried’s style highlights their similarities in such a striking way. The front-on angle he employs is particularly effective here, not to mention immensely satisfying.
Check out the rest of the series below, and head to Götzfried’s Facebook page to see more of his work.
Via Colossal.