Emma and Stephane are Differantly (DFT for short). Through their simple, minimalist work they’ve carved themselves a niche in the art world; creating projects with one line.
Starting with illustration and moving into sculpture, DFT’s art is meticulously crafted. You cannot simply put a pen to a page and make up a one-line drawing as you go. Each piece is planned carefully and rehearsed until the perfect take comes about, meaning there’s at least a small mountain of scrunched-up paper in the French duo’s studio.
Explore notions of permanence and the importance of learning from your mistakes, Differantly has been creating beautiful, minimalistic artworks with single lines.
There’s a message hidden in these works. Time, and life, flows in a single direction and our mistakes aren’t something we can take back. Using a single, continuous line grounds DFT’s art in this reality.
View more of Differantly’s works below, and be sure to head to their website for more information.