
Four Aussie Music Releases We’re Digging Right Now

Get ready to update your playlists, because we’ve got some new music releases from our favourite Aussie artists

There is a lot of music out there in the big wide world, and sometimes, honing in on the best is simply done by grounding yourself in some new tunes from your own back yard.

Sydney’s rising pop star BIRDEE 王煒 drops her latest single, “Used to,”  The track melds electronic production with pop-savvy songwriting, delving into the evolving dynamics of romantic relationships.

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This single is a glimpse into BIRDEE 王煒’s journey of self-discovery, finding her unique sound through experimentation and a steadfast artistic vision.

“’Used to’ can be interpreted in two ways. It can be about a situationship where two people are entangled or also about a couple that have been together for a long time and have lost the spark they once had.

Charismatic indie rocker GIMMY (aka Gemma Owens) shares “Fall On Me,” the final single from her eagerly awaited debut album Things Look Different Now.

Recorded with producer Sam Joseph, this track highlights Owens’ raw, emotive vocals, reminiscent of Julia Jacklin and Angel Olsen. “It’s exhausting to try and keep a happy face all the time when that’s just not the reality of being a human. This track promotes real emotions and talking to your mates. I really don’t believe humans are meant to feel isolated and alone, I hope the song brings a sense of unity about the struggles of vulnerability in friendship and the desire we all have to feel loved.” 

Adelaide-based singer, rapper, and producer Elsy Wameyo announces her debut album Saint Sinner, set to release on July 26th. Her new single “Umva” showcases her powerful lyricism over a heavy beat, created during a writing camp in Kenya.

“‘Umva’ means “listen”. My photographer at the time, at the camp, he’s from Burundi. When Wuod had done the track, we were jumping around and listening to it and he said the word “umva”. I thought it was really cool, and he told me it means “listen”. I ran with that so hard. It was perfect. It was exactly the energy I wanted: when I speak, you’d better sit down and listen. When I enter a room, you stand up and you must salute. Respect.”

And lastly, check out Boleyn‘s latest single, “Over Us,” a pop ballad that delves into the emotional complexity of a situationship experienced in both New York and Geneva. Written with Bri Clark and Ciara Muscat, and refined at APRA AMCOS’ Songhubs, the track captures the tension and hope in a moment of potential connection.

“It’s about all the tension you feel in a moment of potential. What would they say? What might they do? You find yourself lovestruck in a foreign land with the clock counting down — what if you called them? ‘over us’ explores that frantic feeling, the tempest of hope just before you pick up the phone.”

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