Band names can be confusing. Sometimes, they’re spot on, like in the case of deathgrind bands Pig Destroyer and Circle of Dead Children. Upon discovering these guys within the depths of the Internet, I immediately knew I didn’t want to listen to either of them. After berating myself for being so supremely shallow, I hit play on their Bandcamp pages, and quickly realised that initial instincts were completely trustworthy. So, when I came across NZ band Team Cat Food, I was intrigued.
I was thinking maybe they’d be a rebellious bunch of cynical, sarcastic stoners recording appropriately low-fi garage anthems out of their Auckland basement. What I wasn’t expecting was the clean, neatly produced, and beautifully sampled electronic sounds that came sailing out of my headphones.
Domesticated is four minutes of absolute chill-out electronica at its finest. No bullshit, boring, one dimensional lounge crap, just genuinely lovely sounds that send shoots of relaxation to the most throbbing parts of your brain.