In an attempt to minimise lines to the bar, Splendour in The Grass have decided to scrap their classic drink ticket method by including and encouraging electronic payment methods.
With the festival’s partnership with Visa Australia, festival goers can now chuck their tinnies and VLCs on card without having to line up for tickets, figure out how many they owe or even remember their pin!

Finally, Splendour goes digital: forget about stashing those little silver drink tickets, from 2017 onward you can embrace the PayWave life.
In all fairness this should actually help minimise what could be one of the most annoying elements of so many festivals, and save people from stockpiling warm beers.
So in case you hadn’t already, say a final goodbye to those cheeky little silver bad boys, and if you still have a few floating around the room in your post-Splendour pile of glitter and empty baggies… feel free to burn them.
Now if only there was a tap n go equivalent for bathroom breaks.